Welcome to Larecoin
The worlds most powerful smart contract Updatable, Upgradable and Interactable
A digital currency that offers multiple rewards and reflections daily simply by buying and holding Larecoin in your Larecoin Smart wallet. The more you buy and the longer you hold the more rewards you earn.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
For every 100K holders that join the LARECOIN network 100B $LARE will be burnt capped at a total of 1.5T $LARE to be burnt out of 10T $LARE.
All holders earn passive income redistributed in Larecoin rewards from each Buy,
Sell and or Transfer
Increased liquidity means an increase in price stability and make it easier for holders to convert $LARE back to cash.
All holders earn passive income redistributed in Solona rewards from each Buy, Sell
and or Transfer
Maximum sale amount of 300bn $LARE, per address, per 24 hours in order to reduce the impact of swing trading.
Every week all holders are submitted to Lucky Drawing that randomly selects a winner each week. All entries are added to the Lucky Draw.
Buying back is an important component of increasing value of $LARE each time there are transactions in the ecosystem
There's always a charity benefit to continue to run community driven programs, to feed hungry and homeless families and children.
Proceeds taxed for marketing are spent to increase investor interest adding spotlight to $LARE. This increases buys inducing all other benefits.

Engineered to be sustainable
Taxes you will Love = 1.5% BUY TAX
0.15% Rewards
0.15% of the buy tax is collected in Larecoin ($LARE) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Rewards pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of rewards in real-time.
0.1% Reflections
0.1% of the buy tax is collected in BNB ($BNB) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Reflections pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of reflections in real-time.
0.1% Weekly Lucky Draw
0.1% of the buy tax is collected in USDC ($USDC) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Lucky Draw pool to reward three holders weekly and randomly. A randomizer bot selects three (3) lucky wallet addresses every week where the USDT pool for the winnings is automatically disbursed to the designated wallets after a 35% tax per drawing is deducted. 35% tax is disbursed as follows: 10% back to the Lucky Draw pool for the next drawing, 10% liquidity pools, 5% Buy Back from Liquidity Pools, 5% marketing and 5% Treasury.
0.3% Liquidity Pool
0.3% of Buy tax will be automatically and evenly deposited into LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
0.2% Buy Back
0.2% of Buy tax in BNB will be used to automatically buy back Larecoin evenly from LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
0.2% Marketing
0.2% of Buy tax will fund all Larecoin multimedia marketing initiatives.
0.2% Treasury
0.2% of Buy tax shall be NET revenue derived by Larecoin, Inc.
0.1% LP-Rewards
0.1% of Buy tax automatically disbursed to reward Liquidity Providers who contribute to Pools.
0.1% Bond Rewards
0.1% of Buy tax will be automatically disbursed as Rewards in LARE to those who stake LUSD BUSD USDC USDT DAI and other stable coins.
0.05% Charity
0.05% of each transfer is taxed and sent to a designated charity wallet to issue grants to our Non-Profits.
Self-building liquidity to grow on the dips
Taxes you will Love = 25% SELL TAX only when sold on PancakeSwap. All other transactions to be taxed as a transfer.
2% Rewards
2% of the buy tax is collected in Larecoin ($LARE) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Rewards pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of rewards in real-time.
2% Reflections
2% of the buy tax is collected in BNB ($BNB) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Reflections pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of reflections in real-time.
4% Weekly Lucky Draw
4% of the buy tax is collected in USDC ($USDC) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Lucky Draw pool to reward three holders weekly and randomly. A randomizer bot selects three (3) lucky wallet addresses every week where the USDT pool for the winnings is automatically disbursed to the designated wallets after a 35% tax per drawing is deducted. 35% tax is disbursed as follows: 10% back to the Lucky Draw pool for the next drawing, 10% liquidity pools, 5% Buy Back from Liquidity Pools, 5% marketing and 5% Treasury.
4% Liquidity Pool
4% of Buy tax will be automatically and evenly deposited into LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
5% Buy Back
5% of Sell tax in BNB will be used to automatically buy back Larecoin evenly from LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
2% Marketing
2% of Sell tax will fund all Larecoin multimedia marketing initiatives.
2% Treasury
2% of Sell tax shall be NET revenue derived by Larecoin, Inc.
1.5% LP-Rewards
1.5% of Sell tax automatically disbursed to reward Liquidity Providers who contribute to Pools.
1.5% Bond Rewards
1.5% of Sell tax will be automatically disbursed as Rewards in LARE to those who stake LUSD BUSD USDC USDT DAI and other stable coins.
1% Charity
1% of Sell is taxed and sent to a designated charity wallet to issue grants to our Non-Profits.
Transfers made to fuel accessibility
Taxes you will Love = 1.5% TRANSFER TAX
0.1% Rewards
0.1% of each transfer is taxed in Larecoin ($LARE) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Rewards pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of rewards in real-time.
0.1% Reflections
0.1% of each transfer is taxed in BNB ($BNB) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Reflections pool to reward all holders. All holders can track and claim their share of reflections in real-time.
0.1% Weekly Lucky Draw
0.1% of each transfer is taxed in USDC ($USDC) per transaction transferred to Larecoin Lucky Draw pool to reward three holders weekly and randomly. A randomizer bot selects three (3) lucky wallet addresses every week where the USDT pool for the winnings is automatically disbursed to the designated wallets after a 35% tax per drawing is deducted. 35% tax is disbursed as follows: 10% back to the Lucky Draw pool for the next drawing, 10% liquidity pools, 5% Buy Back from Liquidity Pools, 5% marketing and 5% Treasury.
0.3% Liquidity Pool
0.3% of each transfer is taxed automatically and evenly deposited into LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
0.2% Buy Back
0.2% of each transfer is taxed in BNB will be used to automatically buy back Larecoin evenly from LARE / BNB and LARE / BUSD liquidity pools.
0.2% Marketing
0.2% of each transfer is taxed to fund all Larecoin multimedia marketing initiatives.
0.2% Treasury
0.2% of each transfer is taxed as NET revenue derived by Larecoin, Inc.
0.2% LP-Rewards
0.2% of each conversion in or out of Pools using LARE is automatically taxed and disbursed as a Reward to the specific LP that was used for conversion. If a LP is used for a conversion. Otherwise this fee is absorbed evenly by Rewards & Reflections.
0.2% Bond Rewards
0.2% of each conversion in or out of stable coin Pools using LUSD which are locked in Bonds are automatically taxed and disbursed as a Reward to the specific Stable Coin LP that was used for that conversion LARE / USDC / USDT / BUSD / DAI. Otherwise this fee is absorbed evenly by Marketing & Treasury.
0.05% Charity
0.05% of each transfer is taxed and sent to a designated charity wallet to issue grants to our Non-Profits.
0.05% ISO & ISO Gas Pool
0.05% goes to an ISO pool used as a Gas Fund to pay ISO's their per transaction reseller rewards.