Summary Plan your marketing campaign carefully against set objectives. Measure how the actual response compares to your planned response. Test one variable of your email program at a time. Each time you send out an email program tailor it to include all the feedback you have received from prior emails. This cycle will ensure that your program continuously improves.
You may be absolutely convinced that email marketing is a useless platform that never generates sales leads or conversions. That may be the email list case for you. So, go ahead, blame it on the entire industry. Or, you can take a step back and analyze it from a new perspective. An email campaign is like a jigsaw puzzle, involving a number of pieces that fit and work together seamlessly.
If one piece is out of whack, you might as well throw in the towel now and save yourself both the disappointment and the wasted marketing dollars. You know when you're on a fast track to failure when... Your subject line is about as boring as my 9th grade geography teacher Get to the point. If you can't spill your message in seven words or less, good luck trying to get me to care. Try to create a subject line that consists of a few keywords to entice the email recipient to open your advertisement.